
7 minute read

把一次性水瓶换成时髦的可重复使用的水瓶. Tossing your old coffee grounds and banana peels into a compost bin instead of the trash. 选择公共交通而不是独自乘车去上班, there are so many small ways every day we can support the wellness of our planet.

But did you know that you can give Mother Nature a helping hand right from your kitchen sink? 

The way you wash your dishes can make an environmental impact—and no, it’s definitely not 只是沧海一粟. Whether you’re using plant-powered liquid dish soap or being mindful of the running water while hand-washing dishes, 有一些简单的方法可以产生影响. Follow along for a step-by-step guide on hand-washing dishes the eco-conscious way.

1 .不要等太久才洗

We realize this first step to dishwashing success may be the hardest one. After a rich, hearty meal, the sofa might be calling your name more than ever. But if you want your dishwashing to be Mother Earth-approved, it’s important not to wait too long.

Wondering why? It’s pretty simple—all the leftovers from the delicious foods you just enjoyed can start to dry, leaving crusty, 硬化残留物. That means you’ll have to use even more water to make those plates squeaky clean and you might be scrubbing hard to get dried food particles off the cooking pot and utensils. By working quickly, you’ll be able to conserve this precious resource and enjoy sparkling plates.


You’ll need to prepare some supplies to make your dishwashing go smoothly. 在你开始之前,这里有一些你需要准备的东西:

  • An plant-powered dish soap -你的洗洁精会接触到盘子, your skin, and the environment, 那么,为什么不选择一个对三者都有好处的呢? ECOS dish soap 使用易于生物降解的配方,不会损害水系统. 它也是低过敏性和pH平衡,所以它不会使你的皮肤干燥.
  • A scrubbing tool -代替一次性塑料海绵和洗涤器, 选择具有环保意识的天然十大彩票网赌平台, plant-based, 以及可生物降解材料. 可堆肥或植物衍生的盘子海绵是一个很好的选择.
  • 两个洗碗盆,用于洗涤和漂洗 – These will help you save both time and running water during the washing process. 如果你有一个双面水槽,这个供应是可选的. However, having an extra tub on hand can allow you to keep one side of the sink open.
  • A drying rack – A drying rack can help keep your dishes from slipping and sliding all over the counter in between washing and drying. 如果你没有时间用手擦干,它也可以派上用场.
  • A few towels – You’ll need a clean towel or two to dry and polish up your dishes when the washing’s all done. 我们建议使用可重复使用的洗碗布而不是纸巾. Not only will they soak up much more moisture, but you’ll be able to save a few trees in the process.


Once you’ve assembled your supplies, fill your two tubs (or your double-sided sink) with warm water. 在一个浴缸里,挤一点洗洁精. 另一个应该只包括干净的水. 

我们的目标是用这两个桶作为我们的洗涤和漂洗水, 而不是在水槽下不停地转动盘子. The reason? 水龙头开着会消耗很多水. 根据美国地质调查局, 用手洗碗每次可以使用9-27加仑的水1. Using the tubs instead allows you to stretch your water supply much further and potentially save gallons.


You know how you use a spoon to get every last bit of ice cream out of the tub? 同样的能量也适用于这里.

在你把盘子放进水里之前, scrape off any remaining bits of food and sauces into the trash or compost bin. 这种刮擦会使你的盘子更容易洗, but they’ll also help you keep the washing and rinsing water as clean as possible.

We’ll emphasize that scraping over your trash or compost bin, and not your sink, is a crucial step. 即使你有垃圾处理机, 让大部分食物垃圾远离你的水槽是个好主意. The reason? 根据消费者报告, certain foods will not only gunk up the drain but can also cause clogs in your water system.2


如果任何食物干得比你能拿到的还快,不要担心. 我们可以很容易地将这一点运用到我们的洗碗策略中. 

After scraping as much as you can, slide the tough-to-clean dishes into the tub of soapy water first. 等其他的都清理干净了再处理这些, 让肥皂和水有时间软化坚硬的东西.

让这个过程更有效率的小技巧: if you used a cooking pot or deep pan to cook with, this can serve as an extra soaking tub. 简单地用肥皂和温水填满它, 把需要额外照顾的小盘子和餐具放进去.


最后,是时候开始洗澡了. 还记得你之前装满的那盆肥皂水吗? 现在是闪耀的时候了. Here’s how it works:

  1. 把你的盘子放进装满肥皂水的盆里.
  2. Using your scrubber or dish sponge, scrub and wipe down each item one at a time.
  3. Dip the item back into the soapy water once more to remove any remaining bits of food.
  4. 一旦只剩下泡沫,把盘子浸在浴缸里的清水里清洗.
  5. 最后,把干净的盘子放在一边或晾衣架上.

If you have a large stack of dishes to wash, you may need to complete this process in several rounds. Our tip? 从最不脏的盘子开始洗,然后再洗其他的. Using this order can help you keep the washing tub from becoming dirty too quickly. 

搭配这些菜的食物和饮料可能会影响你点的菜, 但这里有一个有用的指南要记住——从最干净到最脏:

  1. 玻璃杯、杯子和银器
  2. Plates and bowls
  3. 锅、平底锅和炊具
  4. 你泡过的盘子


Sometimes, it’s easy to feel like you’re done when the dishes are in the drying rack. 但是多花一分钟用毛巾擦干盘子有几个好处:

  • 你可以马上把它们收起来,腾出柜台空间.
  • 它可以帮助你避免水渍,特别是在玻璃和金属盘子上.
  • You can wipe away any remaining residue that could leave your dishes cloudy.

如果你想让盘子在盘子架上滴干,随你便. 但要想获得额外的闪亮, 最好的办法是用软的, 吸水洗碗巾.

酒杯或其他透明玻璃器皿呢? These can be more challenging to dry by hand, but there’s an easy trick: use two towels. The first towel is your “damp towel,” which you’ll use to remove any water droplets and moisture. 第二个是你的“干毛巾”.” Use this to gently polish the glassware (and take a moment to admire the resulting sparkle).


一旦你的盘子干净得闪闪发光, all that remains is to dump those tubs and give the sink a quick wipe-down. But how do you ensure that what you send down the drain won’t cause any damage?

In truth, some of the products used to give cleaning power a boost can end up harming the precious ecosystems of our planet. A few smart strategies and some eco-conscious products can help you save the earth and your skin.


  • 使用不含毒素或有害成分的洗碗皂. 磷酸盐等化学物质, synthetic polymers, 乙醇胺会对我们的健康和地球产生负面影响. 选择由植物成分制成的洗洁精,比如 ECOS dish soap.
  • 使用可生物降解的海绵或洗涤器. Plastic options can end up sending microplastics down the drain and pile up in landfills when we’re done using them.
  • 别让水开着. 这一点值得重复, as it’s one of the major ways you can make your dishwashing routine less wasteful. Using tubs to wash and rinse instead can help you save gallons every day.3

不管你是手洗碗还是用洗碗机, 简单的改变可以对环境产生巨大的影响. Understanding 洗碗机的用水量 与手洗相比,洗手是清洁的第一步 sustainable way. 


我们在厨房里的成功可以带来很多快乐, and at ECOS, 我们认为洗碗也应该有同样的感觉.  Just learning how to wash dishes can bring a whole lot of ease to your post-dinner routine. But knowing where to find products that help more than harm can be a challenge.

这就是ECOS可以提供帮助的地方. Our plant-powered 洗洁精对皮肤温和,对大十大赌博官方正规网址也很友好. It’s also made in Climate Positive facilities using 100% renewable energy—so you can start washing knowing we mean “clean” in every way.

For a cleaning solution that helps your plates and planet shine, shop with ECOS.

1 美国地质调查局. 人均用水量:你在家里用了多少水?http://water.usgs.gov/edu/activity-percapita.php
2 Consumer Reports. Foods You Can & 放不下垃圾处理机. http://www.consumerreports.org/garbage-disposals/foods-you-can-cant-put-down-a-garbage-disposal-a1074300549/
3 美国地质调查局. 人均用水量:你在家里用了多少水? http://water.usgs.gov/edu/activity-percapita.php